Hit the Nail on the Head
Category : 2012
Have you ever seen someone try to drive a nail using something other than a hammer? Let’s see…the list goes something like this: rocks, shoe heels, wrenches, sports equipment, books, sticks, etc.
What kind of results occur when you use the wrong or an ineffective tool, as opposed to a hammer? Well, sometimes you are fortunate enough to get the nail positioned just as you would like. More often, there is a degree of variance that makes the outcome less than satisfying. We have all had degrees of success with some of the items listed above, but when we want the job done right, we invariably choose to use the right tool, the one that will produce the best and most consistent outcomes. You choose the hammer and the tremendous and reliable results it produces.
That’s the way our business works. Leapfrog Executive Search focuses exclusively on retained search for HR leadership roles. While we could readily apply our experience to extend to other functional areas, we choose to remain focused on the head of the nail. Whether it be the Chief HR Officer (CHRO) or other key HR leadership roles, we are the right tool to help your organization achieve the desired outcomes.
We work with organizations of all sizes. Sometimes a smaller, growing company needs a high impact, executive level CHRO. Sometimes, it is a large organization seeking the same type of impact on a much greater scale. And sometimes, it is one of many key HR leadership roles across the different HR disciplines.
When it is time to nail down HR leadership talent, call us…we will help you hit the nail on the head!